Linda Lightman created Linda’s Stuff out of her home in 2000. More than twenty years later Linda’s Stuff has grown into a $25 million business occupying a 93,000 square foot office space filled with fashion and fun. As THE leader in luxury consignment, Linda’s Stuff is a reigning eBay Top Seller and worldwide fashion reseller. Our main focus is the resale of authentic designer clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories. In addition, Linda’s Stuff also accepts home goods, collectibles and electronics. We offer the largest commission package with consignors earning up to 80% of the sale price, with most transactions completing within just a few days.
CEO Linda Lightman
Company founder and CEO Linda Lightman, a former lawyer, took a leap of faith in 2001 and became an innovator and an entrepreneur. Today she presides over a company that has grown to become the largest, most successful consignment seller of designer fashion on eBay in the world.
It started as a simple hobby selling her son’s video games on eBay. But recognizing a bigger market opportunity, Linda soon began to sell her own luxury designer goods in her eBay store. Friends and acquaintances interested in re-selling their designer luxury goods but intimidated by the prospect of photographing and listing items themselves approached Linda to sell their luxury items.
Linda has become synonymous with luxury consignment, and is widely regarded as the most profitable seller of fashion and accessories on eBay. Linda has become a go-to resource for business and fashion media as an authority on topics ranging from luxury products to consignment, and eBay. She has appeared on Nightline, The Today Show, Bloomberg TV and been interviewed by the New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, Fast Company and the Los Angeles Times, among other outlets.
In July of 2016, Linda added TV show host to her resume with the launch her show “I Can Find $3000 In Your Home” on ABCd.
Linda also is an active philanthropist, and has worked with celebrities such as New York housewife Jill Zariin, Shark Tank’s Daymond John, and even Paula Abdul, auctioning items on Linda’s Stuff to benefit various charities.